Online Environmental Technologies Professional Development
Hazardous Materials Training and Research Institute Online Courses
Online classes to support your professional development in the field of Environmental Technologies and Hazardous Materials.We offer non-credit continuing education courses for those working in environmental professions. These courses combine online text, interactive exercises, self-grading quizzes, and a final exam to complete your training needs. Work through the trainings on your own schedule by taking classes and attending lectures online, anytime, anywhere. Some classes require separate textbook purchase, ordering instructions can be found in the class description.
Employeers, Please contact us directly if you would like to organize courses for your employees. E-mail specific training needs, number of employees needing trained and desired timeline for completion to
After registration in a class you will recieve an e-mail with instructions for accessing the course. Courses offered through TALON (Teaching and Learning Online) which is powered by D2L's Brightspace platform. The tools are powerful and easy to use and provide interactive online learning opportunities. Students will use the system to access course materials, activities and often current grades.
System requirements for students are as follows:
Supported Browsers (Desktop):
The new Daylight features are best viewed using the following browsers. Please keep up to date with the latest versions:
- Chrome
- Safari
- Firefox
- Edge
Mobile browsers:
Safari and Chrome on mobile browsers will provide the best experience. However, the following mobile browsers are also supported. Please stay up to date with the latest version of these browsers.
- Android Browser for Android Tablets
- iOS Safari for iPad
- Microsoft Surface Internet Explorer 11
- iOS 6+ for iPhone
- Android 5+
- Blackberry 7 +
The following plugins are recommended:
- Adobe Flash 10.1 or higher
- Adobe Reader 11
The following settings are recommended:
- Javascript enabled
- Cookies enabled
Courses are offered in partnership with
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